This blog is written over many, many cups of coffee and happy tears, in between naps, in the carpool line, in Starbucks, and beside my stove top. There possibly is a glass of red wine in there somewhere as well...
I am the weirdo hogging the leather chair in the corner of the coffee house, covering her face so you can't see me crying while writing my latest birth session. For the record- I was not a cryer. Having littles broke my tear ducts and they now weep when things are happy, joyful, abundant, or beautiful. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
When I set out to do my blog, I thought that I had to write about my photo sessions and only my photo sessions. Don't get me wrong. My sessions move me to happy dances and happy tears. I come back home on cloud nine, rambling to Hubs around how much I loved my session, loved the clients, loved the location... I get fired up and want to take on the world and write a novel about my session... but there is this whole other wonderous journey happening behind the scenes that I want to share too.
When you look at my work, or at least what I think you see when you look at it, is my heart really is written all over the photos of my children. The lifestyle / photojournalistic style that I naturally use when photographing my family is my favorite form of photography. I want to share that. I want to share my crazy/beautiful roller coaster ride called motherhood. When they drive me to wits end, when they drive me to my best, when they drive me to joy... Maybe a blog about my kid's being wild and at times losing their ever lovin' minds will make you feel a little better... I know hearing another mom tell me- that "it is [OK], mine are wrecking balls too," makes me breathe a sigh of relief. There are times when I feel like the worst mother in the world and confess my mommy guilt until they interrupt me and say "are you crazy, we have all been there. You are normal. You are doing a good job. You are enough." Isn't that we all need now and then? When I am hiding behind this screen pecking away at the keys- I am envisioning a mom being weighted down, sipping her reheated coffee, and shaking her head saying "that is so me." There are times when I am Superwoman, Martha Stewart, and Betty Crocker all rolled into one- despite what you see on Instagram and Facebook- there is room to be both super mommy and tired mommy. I want to share my super cute, nutritious snacks as well as laugh about the days where we have watermelon, chocolate milk, and sushi (they like it). I want to share my craftiness, as well as my Pinterest fails..
I've come across sayings, blogs, articles, other moms who have given me a lifesaver when I thought I was sinking. A simple sentence, a kind word, a story you can look back and laugh at now- have all been monumental, though they didn't seem like it. I have clung to them & been thankful for them. Pay it forward- one of those mottos I want to live by & teach my littles. Support flooded in when I transitioned into motherhood and again when I welcomed my second child so by sharing my crazy, laughable days filled with snuggles, holy messes, three meals, cold coffee, laundry piles, and playground dates I hope to do the same.
So, long story short. This blog is about...
my photography
my littles
honest motherhood
lots of fun
a little crafting
a dash about decorating
yummy food
this crazy/beautiful life I love